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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 monitor gaming
Dennis   2005-01-05 06:59

I would like to stretch my games over 3 monitors is this possible with two different GPX cards ?

Geforce4 Ti4400 128mb AGP
Geforce FX 5200 128mb PCI


j.bigger   2005-01-05 07:57
try this,
Dennis   2005-01-05 20:49
Thx, you helped me alot
UB   2005-01-06 02:15
I did the same with a P4 3.2, a GFX6800 AGP and a GFX5200 PCI.

It Works perfectly and smoothly.

An Advice: put 2 monitors on your AGP card which is more powerfull, then It will run better.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 monitor gaming

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