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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Diff Monitor Sizes
Dennis   2005-01-07 21:29

I was wondering, does it make any differance if mt monitors aren't the same size got an 19" and two 17" monitors ?

It will work right? (as long as the mon are on same res. and refresh rate)


Dennis   2005-01-07 21:30
Sorry forgot to add this, I'm asking because I would like to have a wallpaper spanned on all 3 monitors.
and I saw some people on the Inet that had problem with this.


ECarlson   2005-01-08 07:28
There's no need for the same settings on each monitor, and wallpaper is still possible across all 3. All 3 can even have completely different settings if you like.

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Diff Monitor Sizes

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