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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> matrox g200 mms -distorted sound, please help
Nik   2005-01-08 11:52
Hi there!

I have a matrox 200 mms which I sadly don't use. I have a problem with it. I get distorted sound when I use it in 24 & 32 bit color quality. If I use 16 bit it works much better even though it still distort the sound -especially when I have applications on secondary monitor. The problem is even more evident when I have moving graphics on the screen. I use my computer for sound editing so it's completely unacceptable for me.

Is there a way to sort this out?
khariv   2005-01-10 03:19
I ran into a similar problem with my setup. I have the following setup:

Dual Xeon 2.8's on Asus PC-DL MB
6800 GT AGP Video

PCI Cards:
NVidia 5200 video card

I was using onboard sound, but then I had the bright idea to put a SoundBlaster Audigy in my system. Almost immediately, I started noticing "noise" in the sound output. It was not the low level ticking or hum others have reported, but rather high screeches during music playback. Additionally, I also got a very high incidence of stuttering or looping during audio playback. It got so bad that I really couldnt even listen to an MP3 without there begin some sort of interruption.

From investigation, upgrading the BIOS on everything and changing settings and drivers did no good at all. I finally figured out it was worse when there was HD access to the RAID drives and possibly also to the 5200 video card. I pulled the sound card and went back with onboard audio.

The best I can figure is that I was saturating the PCI bus. The RAID card and the video were taking up all available bandwidth leaving the SB choked.

I know this is probably not what you want to hear, but you might be a bit out of luck on this if you are dead set on using the PCI MMS card. At this point, if I were going to build another multi-video card (3 screens) system, I would go with a higher bandwidth motherboard such as PCI-X or PCI Express. They have MB's with dual PCIExpress 16x slots for video cards. Expensive but it might work...

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> matrox g200 mms -distorted sound, please help

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