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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Using each monitor as an individual desktop
Tan Heng Chai   2005-01-09 01:50
Have 3 monitors in all, but wish to set them up such that instead of moving my mouse left/right doesn't move to the next screen, but using a key sequence will. Very irritating when I want to click close but it moves to the next screen. Any suggestions?

Current Setup:-
Nvidia FX5200 AGP + 1x LCD (Center)
Nvidia FX5200 PCI + 2x CRT (L/R)
Josh   2005-01-10 19:08
Best I can think of for that is you can go into ultramon to setup hotkeys. If you scroll down the list of hotkeys you'll see the very last one locks the mouse to the primary monitor.

So you could lock it manually when you want to. The only way I see to lock it to another monitor is to use the "lock to active window" hotkey and then use it well a window is maximized on the other monitor.

Of course this requires you to do it each time. Not exactly what you asked for. There might be a better way but I don't know it.

Usually, most people just get used to the not guiding the mouse with the edge of the screen. I know i found it annoying for a bit, but now I really like it.
Ben   2005-01-12 16:43
Hey, thanks alot. That did the job. Though now i just have to work out how to make the hotkey active when windows boots up, so i don't have to manually do it everytime :)
ECarlson   2005-01-13 12:42
I find it interesting that some people have issues with the mouse not sticking to one screen or the other. I've seen people post about issues similar to this before. (It makes sense for it to stick in a game window, but that's a separate issue.)

I never experienced any mousing issues involving the edges of adjoining monitors, so it just seems like a foreign concept to me when I see people talking about it. I do programming and network administration, and would find it difficult to work if the mouse didn't move freely between monitors.

So I can better understand this issue, which some people experience and others don't, could someone explain why, other than when gaming, you don't want the mouse to freely move between monitors? Also, does the issue involve certain applications, or is it a general Windows issue?

- Eric,
ECarlson   2005-01-13 12:48
Also, one solution to the issue, assuming you don't also have issues with the top/bottom of screens, is to set the monitors up vertically in Display Properties, so Windows thinks they are one on top of the other, even though they are side by side; then you have to move the mouse up or down to get to the other screen.

Or, you could offset the monitors in display properties, so you have to move diagonally to get to the other monitor.

- Eric,
Tantalus   2005-01-13 14:17
personally, i can't imagine why you would force a keypress to enable the mouse pointer to travel to an adjacent kinda defeats the whole purpose of having multiple monitors?

if you have problems controlling your mouse when it's near the screen edge then you

a)you need a new mouse

b)get glasses or a new prescription

c)cut back on your caffeine

d)lower your screen resolution

e)use a larger mouse pointer
ronald   2005-07-15 20:43
I personally would be very glad to have a function to force the mouse to the primary display. I want the second display to be used as home theater output. Since a HTPC is controlled with a remote there is no need for the mouse to be on the second display.
lsaranto   2005-10-13 23:18
I personally have accessibility issues and can't lift the mouse to position it better. So if the pointer is on the right side of the screen and I need to move it to left, and if something blocks my hand, then I'd have to move the mouse first far right and then left.

If the right side of the screen is open, as it usually would be with multiple monitors, I'd only end back to same position with the pointer. This is one reason why I've delayd getting more than one monitor. But these are all good solutions in this thread.

I've never used multi-monitor system so I can't be sure how big deal the above thing actually is. Maybe it could be solved just by tweaking mouse speed and acceleration settings, who knows. I've thought I'd mainly use the extra display to show things, an extra document or something. So I'd not need constant access to the secondary monitor.

If there is already an option to lock mouse to the primary monitor, why can't it be enabled on startup? Or maybe it now already can be, this seems to be an old thread.

I just wrote this as a reminder that even the smallest things can prevent someone from doing something.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Using each monitor as an individual desktop

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