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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> v7100 2V1D, WIN2k PRO, ALL CONFIGS, TWINVIEW NOT WORKING
Rich Williams   2001-04-27 01:47
I have been trying for two days now to get TwinView working on my WIN2K Pro machine. Here are all the configurations i have tried with zero success. I have an ASUS CUV4X-DLS mainboard, one 1Ghz pentium III and 512megs of ram. A

1.) Fresh Win2k Pro install SP1, 6.18 drivers installed off CD as well as DirectX version provided with driver CD. All Twinview options greyed out in Display Settings. Using TWO regular displays with the ASUS provided dv to analog adapter for the second display. One Sony and one viewsonic.

2.) Fresh install SP1, Nvidia drivers (detonator 3) for Geforce2 MX series cards. This Driver has a display discovery button which is really nice. Unfortunately no additional monitor is found and Twinview options are greyed out. Same dual displays as config 1.

3.) Fresh install SP1, Same config as #1 but with Directx 8.0a. Again all Twinview options are simply greyed out and no additional monitors found or shown. Same dual displays as config 1.

4.) Fresh install SP1, Same config as #2 but with Directx 8.0a. No second display found, Twinview options greyed out. Same dual displays as config 1.

5.) Downloaded drivers 6.18 for Win2k off ASUS website just incase.
When i manually select what driver i want installed the following two options are shown for the 7100 series:

ASUS AGP-V7100 SDRAM v6.18

These are the only two drivers for the 7100 series off of both the CD and the downloaded v6.18 package from ASUS. Should there be a 2V1D specific driver? If so it is not on the CD and not in the .inf file provided on the website. It is quite possible that the 2V1D should work with the DVI driver. If not, sometime from ASUS should take a look at this. Or inform consumers of the missing driver.

I have done a complete and thorough test of all possible scenarios to MY knowledge. I would REALLY appreciate ANY feedback whatsoever from someone from ASUS, someone who has or is having similar problems or someone who has found a solution.
There may very well be something simple (overlooked display setting?) or something less obvious i have missed. I am willing to try any config.

Rich Williams
Weyland   2001-04-27 22:11
Don't you need 7.x something or higher detonator drivers for twinvew to work on that config? (

Gunther Laure   2001-04-29 19:16
Hi! Your problem is maybe that you are using an older monitor for 2nd display or a bnc cable for connecting it to the pc. This prevents that your card (Asus 7100 2V1D) gets a DDC signal from your 2nd display. So it cannot detect a 2nd display and the twinview options are greyed out.

Try connecting a DDC capable display to the 2nd vga output.

cu Gunther
Chris Ratzlaff   2001-05-03 12:44
There are issues between Win2K and nVidia's TwinView.

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> v7100 2V1D, WIN2k PRO, ALL CONFIGS, TWINVIEW NOT WORKING

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