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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Stand for 3 213T's?
Aiken   2005-01-13 09:11
I'm looking at going with three samsung 213T's with my next system, and all of the three monitor stands I've found so far claim "maximum monitor width 20". (The ergotron 100 in particular looks idea, except for that).

Are there more stands out there that people use for larger monitors? Or is that maximum conservative, so 21" monitors would work?

khariv   2005-01-17 13:23
You "might" want to consider the Ergotron 100. I have two separate 3 flat panel setups. At home I am using the Ergotron 100 with a center monitor of a Sceptre 23" and two Samsung 191T's on the sides.

This setup leaves approximately 2" per side on the arm where I COULD slide the outside monitors out a bit more. In my opinion, it would fit 213Ts in all positions.

However, at work I have 3 213Ts stilling on their standard stands. I have left them on their stands rather than getting another Ergotron because of the configuration possibilities available. Specifically, the Ergotron is a fixed curve monitor stand. You can only mount the monitors in the slight curve of back of the stand. For me, I am better able to see all of the screens by "bending" in the edge monitors a bit more with my 213T's. This is not possible with the ergotron. Additionally, with the ergotron, you only have control over the horizontal mountings of the monitor, not the vertical tilt. If your monitors are not 100% squared on their mountings, it can lead to a slight, annoying tilt to the screens.

I hope this post makes sense. The ergotron mounting solution is certainly cleaner and nicer looking than 3 individually standed monitors. However, the price is less flexibility in terms of display positioning and adjustment. Your mileage of course may vary. If you like, let me know and I could post various pictures of my configurations so you can judge for yourself.

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Stand for 3 213T's?

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