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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Windows 2000 bad for 3 monitor setup?
mic   2005-01-14 05:47
I am running win2k with an ATI 9600 Pro AGP and am looking to add an ATI 9200 PCI but it fails to initiate the PCI card and work. Would upgrading to XP help? This PC is the only one that is still on Win2K in my household.

I want to run a 3 monitor setup for graphic design.
Slackmaster K   2005-02-10 10:34
First, go to and check to see if the PCI card is in their Hardware Control List (HCL). If not, you'll need to set your BIOS to scan for PCI devices first. The PCI will become your primary until you tell Windoze to override it. Should work then.

Slackmaster K
Tantalus   2005-02-10 10:49
>>go to and check to see if the PCI card is in their Hardware Control List (HCL)

i wouldn't even bother. the 9200 has gotta be on the list...and even if it were not, it's hardly a death sentence since i've gotten a number of different (obscure) cards to work on w2k systems without them being on the hcl list.

as for the pci card not be recognized, besides looking at your bios settings (depending on the motherboard, you may not have to set the pci card to be first), try installing the pci card in a different slot. DO NOT install it in the slot next to the agp card because on many motherboards, these two slots share irq lines.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Windows 2000 bad for 3 monitor setup?

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