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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> span a movie on two monitors
martial   2005-01-15 22:02
I would like to span a video (1600*600) on a two 800*600 monitors i use win xp pro with an ati x300 or on a second computer xp pro and a ati 7500; i can only see a part of the image on one of the two monitors.
(i used to do it with my 7500 with win 98 se.)
do you know a solution ? hardware or software...
ECarlson   2005-01-16 03:55
I would think horizontal span mode would take care of that. That mode makes Windows think you have one large monitor. What you want to do has been discussed here many times, so check the forums to see what other people did.

- Eric,
martial   2005-01-16 04:13
Thaks for your reply. I have tested the extended desktop mode of win xp but it didn't permitted span the video. I searched and find one solution i will test next week, using media player classic as video player...

If there are other ideas, they are welcome
(sorry for my bad langage, i'm french)...
Slackmaster K   2005-02-06 03:54
Don't think you can fix this just by switching players. I've tried wmplayer, mplayer2, winamp 5, and even the entirely worthless Divx Playa - no joy.

Kevin Connolly -
President, IDXT Computing
ECarlson   2005-02-06 10:25
As I said, try Span mode, Not Extended Desktop mode. In Span mode, Windows sees one large monitor instead of 2 separate monitors. And let us know if it helps.

- Eric,
Jak   2005-03-30 11:43
Maybe you didn't read the first post.

He's using an ATI card, meaning there is no span mode.
ECarlson   2005-04-01 14:50
I'm pretty sure there is. In fact, in Win2K, some people are only able to get Span mode, and not extended desktop mode, with some older ATI cards.

- Eric,
Seahorse   2005-04-01 18:25
You can definately do it using Videosaver. If you can dp it with a screensaver, you can do it with a media player. I have done it using nVidia setup, though not since 5x detonators...

Dead-Fish.Com Deep Sea Daddies...
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> span a movie on two monitors

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