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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Easy way to reduce problems with interference.
Jeremy   2005-01-16 12:24
This isn't the best solution, but it is probably the cheapest and easiest. I have two monitors side by side and they were causing a wave-line effect to each other. I taped tinfoil to the touching sides of each of the monitors, covering all of the side space but being careful not to block the heat vents on top, and this has all but eliminated my problem. The lines are still barely visible if I put my eyes an inch from the screen, but other than that, there's no problem!

For those who don't wish to buy expensive shielding or move their monitors apart, give this a try.
ECarlson   2005-01-19 12:21
Thanks. That will be useful if I run into that problem.

Fortunately, I've never had problems with monitors interfering with each other, even though they are touching each other. I usually have them set to the same resolution and refresh rate, so that also reduces the chance of interference. I've had a few different brands of CRT monitors together in pairs without issue.

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Easy way to reduce problems with interference.

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