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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Rotate Second Monitor to Portrait with Toshiba M200 Tablet?
Scott   2005-01-17 08:34
I want to use as my second monitor an LCD panel that pivots from landscape to portrait. Typically these use a software driver to rotate the OS. The Toshiba/NVida utilities don't seem to support this.

Does MultiMon support this scenario? Has anyone tried it?


Scott   2005-01-17 08:35
Sorry, I meant UltraMon, not MultiMon

Christian Studer   2005-01-18 03:57
UltraMon can't change the screen orientation.

If the display driver doesn't support it, take a look at Pivot Pro.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Rotate Second Monitor to Portrait with Toshiba M200 Tablet?

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