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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 2 lcds with eVGA Nvidia geforce fx 5200
chrome0011   2005-01-17 20:11
I just bought a second 17" lcd screen, and would like to know if i can just hook it up to the out on the motherboard, or do i have to find a graphics card with dual vga outs...? thanks everyone!
Tantalus   2005-01-18 07:55
>>just bought a second 17" lcd screen, and would like to know if i can just hook it up to the out on the motherboard

it depends on what type of video card you're using for the first display. most motherboards disable the onboard video if it detects an agp card installed. pci cards usually don't have this problem.

so if you're using an agp card, you'll probably have to buy a second card (PCI) or replace the agp card with another that has dual output.
chrome0011   2005-01-18 11:53
Thanks a million!! Do you have any recommendations for dual vga cards? i have a MSI board with a P4 2.66. Or should i just get a second eVGA Nvidia fx 5200 and slap it in the PCI slot? Thanks again!
Tantalus   2005-01-19 05:13
>>Do you have any recommendations for dual vga cards?

i prefer the matrox G cards but that is because i don't care about 3d performance since i don't do any gaming at all.

>>a second eVGA Nvidia fx 5200 and slap it in the PCI slot?

i interpret this to mean you already have an fx 5200 card installed. in any event, what type of card to buy has much to do w/what type of setup and software you want to run on the displays.

what is your current video config?
chrome0011   2005-01-19 08:55
i went ahead and bought an Nvidia fx 5500 with dual vga outputs, its PCI, so i'll just keep both installed.. the question now is should i use the 2 outputs on the one card, or one of each. (and i do some gaming, although i will just use the one screen for that..) the cards are almost identical in terms of power. thanks!
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 2 lcds with eVGA Nvidia geforce fx 5200

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