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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> ATI 8500DV AGP with ATI Radeon 7000 PCI
fungi   2005-01-20 12:57
Have an annoying little problem with these two cards. I have one CRT 17" on the 8500 (primary) and one CRT 17" and one LCD 17" on the 7000.

When I run certain screen savers (open gl one's I think) and games (half-life 2 for instance)I must re-install the drivers otherwise I get a "failed to initialize tv" error when I try to run the tv feature of the 8500.

Huge problem? Maybe. Pain in the ass? Most definetly. Was wondering if anyone had any thoughts on this and my question is; would it make a difference if I just upgraded to a later model of the AIW series and swapped out the 8500? If so what would be a good choice and would play nice with the 7000 card?

Thanks for any comments or insights.
ECarlson   2005-01-21 15:27
Interesting. In the past, I've heard that the TV part of an AIW doesn't work with a second video card installed. You're telling us that it does work, but you sometimes have problems.

- Eric,
fungi   2005-01-22 00:15
Yeah it's working as described above. But it really is a pain to have to reinstall the drivers all the time. I've noticed that it also seems kind of random of whether it's going to work or not. There are times that I know I haven't run anything open GL and then when I go to watch TV there's no joy.

But as always if I reinstall the drivers it works again. I guess I shouldn't complain if some people can't even get it to work at all.
ECarlson   2005-01-22 06:38
The solution for most people is to get a separate TV card. If you've got enough slots, it doesn't make much sense to get an AIW anyway, since with separate cards, you can upgrade or replace one without affecting the other.

- Eric,
fungi   2005-01-22 14:03
Yeah that's what I did today. Swapped out the 8500 for a Radeon 9600 and added a TV Wonder Pro. Everything seems to be working as expected except for one little glith with ultramon.

Can't seem to get the smart taskbar over to my third monitor now. Any suggestions?

ECarlson   2005-01-22 14:28
Cool. I don't have Ultramon, so I don't have any suggestions to fix that last problem.

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> ATI 8500DV AGP with ATI Radeon 7000 PCI

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