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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Old Gateway 17" Vivitron (Trinitron), any way to brighten?
Jeremy   2005-01-20 15:06
I picked up a used Vivitron for dirt cheap, and it looks pretty nice for it's birth date of 1996. I'm sure it's just because it's old, but it's a little bit dim. Are there internal controls for brightness other than the buttons on the front? Or is there any way to increase the voltage (I've heard of this, but havent seen an easy explanation) a bit so as to make it brighter at the risk of damaging it? If it dies, it dies, I'll be buying a new monitor at some point anyway.

I see some controls inside, some of them appear to be dials but they are soldered in place (?) and they are labeled with things like EKG, etc. so I don't know what anything does.
Josh   2005-01-21 07:13
Yeah it's par for people to soldered the dails in place (well, normally it's just glue actually). Just break the glue or solder and turn them to adjust.

It's fairly safe to turn any of them (you can do it well it's on) and just watch what happens to the screen. If it's not adjusting the brightness turn it back. Just try all the dials till you find what you want.

The only thing you need to be really aware of is that the more you increase the brightness the quicker it will cause the monitor to burn out. Although usually when i do this I still get 2 or 3 years at least out of the monitors before they go, and sometimes longer. Just don't turn it up too much.
ECarlson   2005-01-21 15:33
I did that with an old 15" monitor I had that was very dim. Just be careful not to damage yourself or your monitor. There is very high voltage inside a CRT monitor.

Also, if you change any settings, do it very slowly, and make sure you remember where you started, so you can set it back if it is the wrong control.

After I found out which control it was on my old monitor, I drilled a hole in the case so I could get to it again without re-opening the case.

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Old Gateway 17" Vivitron (Trinitron), any way to brighten?

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