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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> AGP ATI9700 AllinWonder and PCI ATI9200, need help.
Kiushapo   2005-01-21 02:07
Yesterday I sat down and formatted my system and reinstalled XP. I'm running AMD 3300 on a Gigabyte board, with a meg of ram. I've had nothing but trouble since installing the PCI ATI92000. My system keeps locking up anytime I move things to the second monitor. Some times it works and will be fine for an hour them all of a sudden the second monitor will loose video, and the system hangs.

Any suggestions, I have the latest and greatest drivers from ATI, fresh copy of windows. The only thing I can think of that might be a problem is I've got the boards right next to each other. Is it a heat issue maybe?
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> AGP ATI9700 AllinWonder and PCI ATI9200, need help.

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