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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> "Surround Gaming" with ATI cards
Mark   2005-01-27 03:36
Is there anyway to do surround gaming (play a game on three monitors) using ATI cards??

I have an ATI Radeon 9800 powering two 19" LCDs and an ATI 9250 powering a third 19" LCD. Windows works great, but it would be awesome to play a game across all three screens? I've read posts on the Matrox site that you can do this with their Parahelia (sp?) card, but I wasn't sure if anyone had accomplished this with the ATI family of cards.

Let me know,

yodan   2005-02-01 03:19
i have start an talking about it on the DNA-driver site.
hopfully the team can fix the problem.
may be you can try something for me?
start HL2 in window-mode an drag the window
on display 2-3 (3: the ati 9000)
do you see the game on both sites?
or is one of them black?
i have only to display on 1 ati x700 pro
so i can't try it.

so no answer but hope ;)

Slackmaster K   2005-02-06 03:03
Doubtful. My understanding is that the Parhelia (which received poor performance reviews in most gaming magazines BTW) fools the OS by telling it they're really one monitor that's three times as wide. Correct me if I'm wrong. The only way to emulate this that I've ever seen is by purchasing a box whose name eludes me which would tell Windoze the box is a monitor whereas the box plugs into the monitors seperately. What would they call this, a uniplexer? Multiunificator? Anyway, I've been looking for such a device for a couple months now trying to get more monitors to fit into fewer cards so I can continue having multiple RAID arrays and a TV tuner... I just don't want to sacrifice my beautiful hardware (sniff).

Kevin Connolly -
President, IDXT Computing
yodan   2005-02-08 06:19
yes and no
the is a way to play in window mode.
than you don't need horizontal span mode.
but there are problem with the supported video-modes
Unreal don't try to set this modes HL2 do.
i have seen Unreal in window mode on 2 ati cards. (3 displays)
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> "Surround Gaming" with ATI cards

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