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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Wallpaper across three monitors - doesn't look right
Mark   2005-01-27 03:47
I have three monitors, from left to right we will number them 1, 2, 3.

The middle monitor, number 2, is the primary display and the other two are extended desktops. I do this monitor 2 is where I want games to load if they only support one monitor. The problem I have is that setting monitor 2 as the primary display causes my wide-screen compatible wall paper to start on monitor two, continue on monitor 3, then finish on monitor 1, obviously this does not look good. Is there a way around this??

j.bigger   2005-01-27 06:59
Slackmaster K   2005-02-06 03:23
you'll need to do one of two things. 1. Physically move your monitors around - this is easier; or 2. Photoshop your wallpaper (save a backup!) so as to take into account the fact that windows starts at the top-left pixel of your primary monitor and works its way to the right and down from there. If my math comes out right, you'll need to move a box from the left to the right, and the box will be the same size as monitor #1's resolution. If they're in different resolutions, take blank space into account.

Kevin Connolly -
President, IDXT Computing
Liam   2005-02-06 17:34
I am curious. What video cards are you using to support 3 monitors? Im tryin to add a third by using my Nvidia Gforce 4 4200ti AGP as primary for the first two (which works fine) but when I try to add a Gforce MX4000 pci for the tird monitor it freezes no matter how many different ways I try it or which drivers I use.

Tashi   2005-02-08 01:50
if your computer freezes when you add the second card its your driver, ive found that all the recent nvidea drivers dont like multiple cards. i use version drivers.
Starius   2005-02-17 08:23
I'm glad I came across this post. I've experienced the same problem and didn't realize it was because the wallpaper started with the default monitor and not the monitor "furthest to the left side."

Now knowing this, it should be relatively simple to correct in photoshop.
Slackmaster K   2005-02-17 17:51
Update - 4 monitors. I run the two big ones (20.5" viewable) on an ATI Radeon 9700, a 19" on a Radeon 7500, and a 19" on an ATI Rage Xpert 128. I will plug monitor #5 into the Radeon 7500 when I get another DVI to VGA adapter.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Wallpaper across three monitors - doesn't look right

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