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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> SLI and Multi monitor
Glen   2005-01-28 07:49
Just wondering if anyone has tried a PCI express nvidia SLI setup yet? I have all of the components just arrived here but I have to train 8 hours of gymnastics for the rest of the day!

I know that once you put the 2 video cards into SLI only the outputs on the first card work, but each card has dual DVI so that's fine for running my 2 LCD's.

My question (if anyone has tried this) is can you get 1 video overlay per screen, since you have two cards? Normally running both outputs off a single card, like my old geforce ti the video disappears one one screen if you strech it accross both screens. But if you run two video cards it works.. hmm... hope so..
Slackmaster K   2005-02-06 03:12
Not sure, but I have three words for you. The first two are "you lucky...", and the third is inappropriate for a public forum.

Kevin Connolly -
President, IDXT Computing
Starius   2005-02-17 08:30
I haven't gotten this to work, but my monitors alternate card origin.

For example, from right to left I have:
Monitor 1(Card 2, Output1), Monitor 2 (Card 1 Output1), Monitor 3 (Card 2 Output2), Television (Card 1, S-Video output)

So, whenever I span from one monitor to the next, I'm switching to a different card. Videos haven't spaned well across this setup, but I usually just output them solely to the TV.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> SLI and Multi monitor

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