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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 2 GFX cards.
MISFITofMAGIC   2005-01-29 05:47
ok so i have been runing dual monitor's for like 3-5 months now and i love it!! well i ahve a old monitor that is not being used and i have a OLD s3 trio v2/dx gfx car from a old PC it is PCI and i want to know if it will wor w/ my nVidia 5700.
thanks for any help.
Tantalus   2005-01-30 13:07
only one way tof ind out...try it.
Slackmaster K   2005-02-06 03:07
Possibly. I tried using my S3 Trio as a tirshiary (3rd) video card and it doesn't like slaving to another. Thus, you'd have to set it as primary and set your BIOS to search PCI first instead of AGP. It will probably work as long as it's the only PCI video card you use, or the other PCI vidcard(s) are in a later-scanned slot. Thus if you have another PCI card you'd want to set the Trio in PCI slot 1 (top).

Kevin Connolly -
President, IDXT Computing
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 2 GFX cards.

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