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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Problem with wallpaper (.bmp file)
amos   2005-01-29 06:23
The problem is that the .bmp file generated has the width of 3 monitors. And the picture for my monitor appears at the two ends (white in the middle)

Im using Ati radeon 9600 with Catalyst running.. so am I supposed to disable that?

Right now I had to edit the .bmp file to remove that white space =( what a hassle.
Slackmaster K   2005-02-06 03:10
More on this in my reply to 'span single image across dual monitors' dated 2005-02-06 08:49. The wallpaper has to be set to tile and the exact width of both/all monitors combined. When there's slack space on an inverted config (primary monitor on the right), weird things happen. Keep in mind Windoze starts the wallpaper from the top-left pixel of monitor #1 and works its way down and to the right from there via monitor numbers, not physical layout. Perhaps they'll fix this when Microsoft's paper-geeks catch up to the real world's learn-by-doing geeks.

Kevin Connolly -
President, IDXT Computing
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Problem with wallpaper (.bmp file)

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