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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Simulating dual monitors
JoshN   2005-02-03 05:40
Would it be possible to have ultramon simulate having two monitors, using a single display?

Let me explain: I use Windows' Remote Desktop to connect from one dual-headed machine to another. Remote desktop lets me have sesson fill both monitors (2560x1280), but shows it as a single screen, instead of two. This results in having windows maximize across both screens, which is inconvenient.

Another example is run VMWare Workstation on a dual-headed host machine. You can set the guest to fill both screens, but again, it's inconvenient, because windows maximize across both screens.

I could see two ways of doing it. One would be doing something weird with Windows to tell it to only maximize to one monitor. The other would be having Ultramon watch for maximize messages and manually resize the window itself.

Any ideas?
Christian Studer   2005-02-04 19:49
You could do this with a hotkey and a custom script, VMonMaximizeWnd.

For this to work, you would need to have UltraMon and the script installed on the remote computer or virtual machine, and create a 'Run application or script' hotkey which runs the script. Pressing the hotkey will then maximize the active window to the first or second half of the monitor.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Simulating dual monitors

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