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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> one-way DVI extenders and no second monitor
Robert   2005-02-03 21:04
I use one-way fibre-optic DVI extenders with dual head card (NVidia Quadro 4 980 XGL, BIOS with two LCD monitors (Apple Cinema HD Display). I have problem with the second monitor and with the user profiles in the Windows XP:

1. After rebooting the system the second monitor disappear and there is no two heads in the Display Properties (Settings tab). It is necessary to connect the second monitor directly, without extender cable and reboot the system. After that we can connect the extender cables, but after next reboot only one monitor will be available again.
2. After logout one user and login another the second monitor is disable. It is necessary every time to enable the second head (turn on the "Extend my Windows desktop onto this monitor" option in the Display Properties).

I think that the problem is lain in the one - way transmission of the Extender Cables. Maybe is it possible to switch off auto-detect the second monitor in the Windows and fix the correct settings with active the second head?
Wayne   2005-08-12 03:27
I have a similar problem with 2 systems. They both have nVidia Dual head cards. We have scan converters connected to the DVI connectors. The systems does not recognise the second head with the scan converters connected. But, does with a regular monitor connected. Is there a setting to disable auto-detect in Windows XP? Or, is there some kind of adapter I can install to make the system think there is a monitor connected?

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> one-way DVI extenders and no second monitor

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