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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> autostart "lock mouse to primary monitor"
akaidiot   2005-02-04 12:22
Is it possible? I bascally never want the cursoe to appear on the secondary monitor..

Also, is it possible to exclude the secondary monitor smart taskbar programs when I press the "show desktop" in quicklaunch..? Porhaps with a special command "show desktop" button..or some other way..
Josh   2005-02-04 13:43
You can lock the mouse to primary monitor with a hotkey. Open up the options of ultramon, then under hotkeys it's at the very bottom. Just assign a hotkey to it and then you can lock the mouse to primary monitor whenevr you like.

I don't think you can get show desktop to work for only one monitor though, you could ask for that feature to be added to ultramon, but it would have to be added as an ultramon feature. Which means the windows showdesktop command couldn't be used at all.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> autostart "lock mouse to primary monitor"

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