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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> ATI Radeon 9700 Pro using all 3 outputs
Slackmaster K   2005-02-06 02:56
Trying to setup my Radeon 9700 to use all three outputs. Whenever I enable any two of them, the third automatically disables. I would like to use the VGA primary, DVI secondary with adapter to VGA, and the RCA/Composite for the TV so I don't see pixelation when I watch video. Is there any way to hack the radeon, hardware or software, to allow this to happen? I figured I could go lower-res to free up more video RAM but that didn't do it :(

Kevin Connolly -
President, IDXT Computing
ECarlson   2005-02-06 10:08
The card only has the capability of generating 2 video signals, so take your pick.

- Eric,
pt   2005-04-12 00:32
This is an old question, but maybe worth still answering if someone is browsing these old problems. You can use all 3 outputs, but you'll need to have DVI+VGA+TV combination, VGA+VGA+TV is not possible.

Even with combination DVI+VGA+TV you'll get only 2 different "screens", so you need to choose is clone of DVI or VGA screen seen on TV.


Forums -> Multiple monitors -> ATI Radeon 9700 Pro using all 3 outputs

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