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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Spanning using video overlay
Slackmaster K   2005-02-06 02:59
I'm trying to span a widescreen 16x9 video over two monitors, but whenever I do it whichever monitor has more than 50% of the window gets its half and the other monitor shows black within that window. I've tried disabling video overlay, using wmplayer, mplayer2, winamp, and even the entirely crappy Divx Playa. Is there any way this can be done?

Kevin Connolly -
President, IDXT Computing
ECarlson   2005-02-06 10:11
I haven't tried that, but have you tried using span mode (where Windows thinks you have one large monitor), instead of Extend mode (where Windows sees each monitor separately)?

- Eric,
Josh   2005-02-06 11:04
The only way I've managed it is to simply open the video up on both monitors and then span the video across both screens. Which is a lot more work then it's really worth.
Slackmaster K   2005-02-08 07:46
Problem with both video windows is:
1. is PITA to synchronize both windows
2. One will inevitably overlap the other, unless I resize it - In which case it's smaller. I can use two monitors that are one monitor apart (i.e., left and right, and leave middle screen for the slack space) but that's just ugly and I don't like having to pan my neck when watching a movie. For some reason my Catalyst 5.1 driver doesn't like pan mode... possibly interference with the other radeon (9700 and 7500) or the Xpert 128. Difficult to say, and I'm not willing to sacrifice my other ATI cards to test it.

Slackmaster K
Slackmaster K   2005-02-08 23:32
Tried span mode, and it works more or less. Problem is, the Catalyst control center is a little buggy and crashes unless I remove the other ATI cards. Having removed both the Radeon 7500 as well as the Rage Xpert 128, I got it to work long enough to span the two remaining monitors, reinstall the other cards, and boot up again successfully. Problem is, framerates are cut nearly in half, even when Winamp's CPU utilization jumps from 20% to 100%. Games hurt too, and some of them force the card back into clone mode, which really annoys me. Having seen this, I'll probably go back to extend mode and live with separate screens pending my finding of a splitter box.

Slackmaster K
fresh   2005-04-14 22:44
where is span mode in the ati catalyst ?
slackmasterK   2005-04-16 02:47
In the ATI Catalyst Control Center (download from ATI CCC doesn't work if you have multiple multi-head video cards installed.
batman   2005-05-07 07:21
get a matrox paherlia! works great accross even 3 monitors...
Chris   2005-05-26 18:41
I am currently having this same issue. I read somewhere about windows span mode..? I don't see an option for this anywhere, just extended mode. I am using Windows XP Prof. Corp. Edition. Can any of tell me how to get innto windows span mode?
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Spanning using video overlay

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