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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Trying to add third monitor with two Nvidia cards, not working. HELP!!
Liam   2005-02-06 17:26
I am adding a third monitor to my setup,I have a Gforce 4200ti AGP and bought a Chaintech Gforce MX4000 PCI to run the third monitor. As soon as I hit extend desktop to this monitor in Nview, it freezes and keeps rebooting until I go to safe mode and remove the drivers and the card. I have tried all PCI slots, AGP is set as primary in the bios, and I have the latest Bios update for my Gigabyte Ultra 989 with Athlon 64 3000. I have heard of other people using a pci card from a different manufacturer like Matrox, but I have also heard of two nvidias working together. Please help if you know what the issue is!!! Thank you!!

Tashi   2005-02-08 01:52
if your computer freezes when you add the second card its your driver, ive found that all the recent nvidea drivers dont like multiple cards. i use version drivers.
Seahorse   2005-02-08 05:51
I have found that any nVidia driver works just fine. Shut down PC, remove PCI card. Reboot, uninstall detonators. Slap on current WHQL ones - 66.93s. Reboot. Confirm working fine on two monitors. Shut down. Re-insert PCI card. Boot. Windows 'should' spot it or the nView Wizard cuts in and does it for you.

If neither happens. Righ click on desktop, properties, settings, select 3rd monitor, click 'Extend my windows desktop onto this monitor'

Have a beer...

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Liam   2005-02-08 16:04
Thank you for the replies. Mike, That is what I did a few turns out that it is the MX4000 card specifically that alot of people have had the same problen with. Otherwise I'm sure most other Nvidia pci cards would work.

Liam   2005-02-13 12:54
PROBLEM SOLVED. It turns out that you cannot use the Nvidia MX4000 PCI with any other Nvidia AGP. Got a ATI Radeon 9200 128mg, works perfect. AND all the Nview features still work and span across all three monitors.

Chump   2005-02-23 10:08
Did I hear SPAN? Or are you just extending the desktop???
Tantalus   2005-02-24 01:36
>Did I hear SPAN? Or are you just extending the desktop

read the original post's all in there.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Trying to add third monitor with two Nvidia cards, not working. HELP!!

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