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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Full screen game on one monitor while typing into IMs: solution
zasxae   2005-02-08 20:55
Many people on this forum asked how to display a full-screen game on one monitor while typing into an IM on the second monitor, without the game minimizing as though it were alt-tabbed.

I have found a solution. In a game shortcut's Ultramon tab properties, set the game to launch in the secondary monitor. If your cursor is allowed to carry over, as it does in CoD: United Offense, as in many others, you can give focus to IMs and other windows without ever losing full screen in the game.

This must have to do with the way Windows handles secondary monitors.

Any thoughts on building upon this ability?
zasxae   2005-02-08 21:02
I didn't notice one of the many threads on this topic had been bumped. oh well.

Also, I did some more testing. Halo refuses to launch in the secondary display. This does not come as a surprise. But given that Windows does handle full screen nicely in the secondary display, perhaps Ultramon can polish up such a feature?
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Full screen game on one monitor while typing into IMs: solution

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