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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Doom 3
Orbitz   2005-02-09 05:57
I have a 3 monitor setup. I had posted above about a problem getting my 3rd monitor (second video card) to show specs are:

ASUS A8V-E Deluxe
AMD64 3500+
1GB PC3200
Evga PCI-E 6600GT
Jaton PCI FX5200

I have a 17" LCD and a 27" LCD connected to the 6600GT and a 17" LCD connected to the FX5200. I got this to work ultimately by going into bios and changing Init Display First to PCI (from PCI-E).

I am still having a problem with games however. For Doom3 when I launch the game it shows up on my 27"LCD (set to primary under properties) but takes 5 - 10 minutes to load to the "new game" screen...and then gives me about 1 frame per minute as the CPU is pegged at 100%.

I am wondering if this is somehow related to the dual monitor setup or if it is something else. Any ideas?

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Doom 3

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