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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> dimming the inactive monitor
Anthony   2005-02-11 04:31
Hi Everyone,
I'm wondering if there is any way to dim the inactive monitor. For example, I'm trying to work on the primary, but keep email on the secondary. Is there any way to dim the email monitor so that it is less distracting until I choose to look there.

Thanks a lot,
Tantalus   2005-02-11 13:56
>>there any way to dim the email monitor so that it is less distracting until I choose to look there

uuhhhhh...if it's too distracting then maybe you shouldn't look there.

seriously...the whole point of having multiple displays is because you want more screen real estate so that you can see, more of what you need to see, all at once. your request flies in the face of the whole point of running extra displays.

imo, from a technical standpoint, such a 'feature' as your request is possible even if the underlying OS (windows) does not support it. but the execution of such a design is going to result in quite a bit of system overhead and annoying (distracting) interface issues.
ECarlson   2005-02-11 14:15
That would be cool: to set the monitor (or everything displayed on it) at half brightness if you haven't been active in any of the windows on that screen for a while (or if there are no windows on it).

At work, I'm on both monitors most of the time, but at home, sometimes I go for long periods without doing anything on the second monitor, and it can be distracting, especially since peripheral vision is more sensitive to light than direct vision.

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> dimming the inactive monitor

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