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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 monitors on 2 systems configuration
Kirk   2005-02-12 03:05
Now that I have 3 monitors, I would like to span only the 2 right monitors with a window and leave the 3rd Left monitor on another application.

My suggestion is to have the <> span button only span from the current monitor to the far right. That way if you want it to span all the monitors you simply move the window to the leftmost/starting monitor and then press the span button.

Alternatively, have separate < and > span buttons and go left or right based on the button pushed. Additionally, it could go one monitor for each press of the button, 2 presses for 2 monitors.

I think your software is indispensable for anyone with more than one monitor. When others finally overcome their inertia to go to more than one monitor, they just wonder why they never did it sooner. Of course, I make sure they go there with UltraMon software to support their use. It does take a few months to overcome old habits and use multiple monitors effectively. After 3 years I am still finding better ways to use multiple monitors.

I am running 2 computers with 2 monitors on the Left system (Athlon XP 3200+) and 1 monitor on the Right system (an older slower AMD K6-3/450 system). I am finding it to be a better configuration than 3 monitors on 1 system. I found the 2nd system does not suffer from being slower as it mainly does secondary tasks.

With the addition of SYNERGY software I can control both system and travel across monitors like they were one system. The further addition of MAXIVISTA allows me to also configure my 3rd monitor as just a 3rd monitor on my first system. This provides excellent flexibility of applications.

My 3 19" monitors are configured in an L (rather than a U) with the left monitor at a 110 degree angle from the 2 right in-line monitors. This is because I am in a corner and this arrangements suits the room layout. I have desk space to the left and right of the monitors (about 24") and about 16" in front of the 2 right monitors where I keep my SINGLE keyboard and trackball (and Wacom tablet). I keep my 2nd keyboard on top and trackball to the right of the 3rd monitor for when I need it for system work where Synergy can not be active.

This is so seamless that I am tempted to expand my control to my wifes computer just located to the left of my work area for when she is not there. But, not doing this has more to do with staying married than anything else.

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 monitors on 2 systems configuration

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