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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> s3 trio 3d/2x + sis 6326
CharlesMay   2005-02-12 08:33

This is my first post.
I´ve got a spare s3 trio 3d/2x AGP and two other PCI cards: a s3 savage 4 and a sis 6326. I've searched the database and there is someone ("lightman") who claims that has a trio 3d/2x AGP with a sis 6326 PCI and another card working together with no problems.

I just want two monitors. My question is: what do i must do to make the trio work with the 6326 or the savage? I've tried different configurations and my xp allways disables the "secondary" card (with the "!" mark on it on the device manager).

Here is what i'm doing:
I go to the BIOS setup and select AGP (or PCI) as the "disply first". Then, when XP loads up it recognises the card i selected in the BIOS setup as "primary" and the only one working. The other one is kept disabled. In the "settings" tab of the "display properties" only appears one monitor with the standard graphic of the screen resolution example.

Please help me...
Tantalus   2005-02-12 10:06
>>with the "!" mark on it on the device manager

this could be because XP does not have the correct native driver or a resource conflict. you need to troubleshoot this in a methodical manner.

1) make sure you do not install a pci card next to the agp slot if the agp card is plugged in.

2) next, you need verify that all three cards work and determine if the xp native driver is ok. to do this, install each card by itself and see if you can get display settings to the higher vga resolutions other than 640x and 800x.

3) assuming #2 goes well, then try installing both pci cards in the system, leave out the agp. does the system successfully run dual display with both pci cards?
CharlesMay   2005-02-12 20:33

The drivers worked, allright. But i had to get some drivers over the net for the PCI 6326. Now it works together with the AGP trio. This one needs to be primary, though. Still nothing with the PCI savage 4. I'll try different drivers, too.

By the way: does it matters in witch PCI slot do i put the cards? I've got the 6326 next to the AGP and is working... Is this true for all cards?
Tantalus   2005-02-13 00:31
>>does it matters in witch PCI slot do i put the cards? I've got the 6326 next to the AGP and is working... Is this true for all cards?

it depends on the motherboard. a lot of the pentium 3 and earlier boards (and amd socket A) chipsets shared irq lines with adjacent slots. this would either result in 'choppy' performance or in the worst cases, the OS would not detect the hardware at all. because of this, it's a good rule of thumb to avoid plugging in cards next to the agp unless you absolutely have to.

here is something touching upon that:

good luck with the s3 card. i've had the most difficulty getting them to work with agp & onboard video.
CharlesMay   2005-02-14 05:05
Thanks agains. Sorry for my late reply :(

That helpes a lot but, fortunately, that was not my case. Nevertheless, i did what you told me to. Let me ask you something else: Sometimes, ramdomly, when i start windows, it crashes at the logo screen (the one with the blue thingie passing by) but this never happens without the sis (PCI) card installed. Currently it is located in the 2nd PCI slot but that also happens in the 1st. Once the windows is running, however, it never crashes even when exploiting 2 monitors with different windows, etc. Could this be about the drivers? I had to install some drivers different from those of XP. But with that ones, my sis cannot work as secondary...
Any ideas?
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> s3 trio 3d/2x + sis 6326

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