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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Multiple monitors on Samsung V20 help
Cubanallstar   2005-02-12 10:31
I'm having a spot of bother with setting up dual monitors on my samsung v20 laptop. I've a 17" CRT monitor attached and at the moment i'm able to view a mirror image on both my laptop screen and the CRT. I can't seem to be able to set up dual monitors in control panel/display/settings though. I'm not getting the two blue squares labelled 1 and 2 but instead just an image of a monitor. I'm running XP and have installed the appropriate drivers but still no joy

I've a feeling my laptop doesn't support this function and that samsung have been stingy and have been cutting corners! I've seen pcmcia video card options but they're pretty expensive and my single pcmcia slot is taken up by a wireless network card

Is there away around this or am i doomed to having one monitor only?
Cubanallstar   2005-02-12 10:58
Through searching i've come accross a couple of solutions. The first is a product called

Tritton See2 USB 2.0 SVGA Adapter

Which looks like a really good option as it won't be taking up my only pcmcia slot which is being used for a wireless internet connection. The problem is i live in the UK and i'm pretty certain they're not available over here. I guess delivery to the UK from a distributer wouldn't be a problem though ??

The second product is the vtbook

This is also a potential solution although unlike the above it'll take up my pcmcia slot and also the site has no mention of cost.

Has anyone any experience with using these products? I failed to mention in my post above that my main reason for using a dual display is for web development.

Thanks in advance.
ECarlson   2005-02-12 11:35
Or get a USB wireless "card", and free up the PCMCIA slot for VGA.

But you might still be able to get the laptop to work as you want. Has anyone else been able to achieve what you want with the same video chipset in their laptop as in your laptop? From what I've read here, it seems it can take a bit of research to get laptops to work properly.

- Eric,
Cubanallstar   2005-02-12 11:41
No i havn't found a solution that centres around a samsung v20 and a Intel i845GL chipset.

I could implement a solution based on your reply Ed but then that'd render my existing wireless card useless. I'd really like not to spend some $ on doing this although it's looking less and less likely!
ECarlson   2005-02-13 04:03
The particular laptop doesn't matter. If someone got your particular video chipset to support dual independent monitors on any laptop, then there is hope for getting yours to work.

The Intel specs indicate "Synchronous display for dual monitor capabilities", which, according to another page means "synchronous display support which allows an identical image to be displayed on separate monitors".

So the answer is: You need another video card (USB or PCMCIA) to drive a second independent display.

Or you could use MaxiVista if you have another old laptop or computer sitting around that could be used as a second display.

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Multiple monitors on Samsung V20 help

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