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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> GForce 2 mx agp & ati 3d rage II pci
Florian   2001-05-08 10:08
I have tried out lot of things, to get this couple working, but whatever I tried, it did not work.
At least, the ati seems to be correctly installed, although, win2k does not give me the option to enable any second screen.
I have tried other cards as well, as pci, the did not work at all.

plz help.
Florian   2001-05-09 03:22
ok, I'v tried a bit more, and now there are three graphic cards in my system, all WORKING.
But, 3d acceleration is not working while the other 2(besides the agp card) are active.
Ok, so here is the config.
Asus P3Bf, Win3k,
Agp slot: Hercules 3dProphet GForce 2 mx.
PCI slot 1: Matrox Mystique
PCI slot 2: Ati Rage II+

Bios settings are: Inital PCI first.(the ati doesnot seem to work properly if it is not booted, while this does not matter to the Matrox Mystique)
Rest is normal for a default setting on the P3Bf.

Drivers for Mysique and Ati are these from Windows, just the driver for The GForce is new.

A thing that won't work, is the 3d acceleration.
I does not work, wheater I hav just the Matrox in my system, or all the cards. It does not matter wich card, and how the combinations are, 3d is just not working.
Any sugestions??
Christian Studer   2001-05-09 04:49
With the latest Nvidia drivers, you should be able to get OpenGL acceleration on the primary monitor without disabling the others. Try version 10 or later of the Detonator drivers. Also see the OpenGL FAQ for more information on this issue.

The ATI card won't work with Win2000 unless it is primary in BIOS, more information is available here.

Christian Studer
Jerry Perlstein   2001-05-09 09:34
The problem with ATI cards in WIN2K multimonitor configurations is in fact quite troublesome. (See post of 4-25-2001)
I had purchased three of these: 1 ATI RADEON 64 Mb DDR AGP and 2 ATI RADEON 32 Mb SDR PCI cards. This was based on advice from none other thatn ATI support. Well guess what? The AGP card works fine, but the PCI cards will hang your system. I thought that this might be just a driver problem, but every driver I tried from ATI failed to cure the hang up. I then discovered that just putting one PCI card in the system with nothing else(no AGP, no sound, no other PCI cards) also caused the hang up!!! Seems as if there is some kind of incompatiblitly of ATI RADEON cards with WIN2K. I don't know if this is limited to the RADEON cards from ATI or not. I replaced the two RADEON PCI cards with MATROX Millennium PCI cards(kept the RADEON AGP) and now my system is rock stable.

Iwill KK266-R 800Mhz Duron not overclocked, Raid disabled,sound enabled
power supply: Enermax 431W-2fans
Case: Enlight with 2 additional fans
Memory: Crucial-768 Mb PC133 CAS 2 (3 sticks of 256)
IBM 75GXP 30Gb 7200rpm Master Ide 0
plextor CD-RW 16/10/42 Master Ide 1
NEC ZIP 100 slave Ide 0
Mitsumi 1.44 Mb floppy
Monitors: 1 19" CTX-PL9, 2-17" CTX-PL7
PCI slots:
O:(AGP) ATI RADEON 64 Mb DDR (primary)
1: NIC LinkSys Fast Ethernet 10/100
2: Modem-Intel HAM Data FAx
3:Matrox Millennium 4 Mb (monitor 2)
6:Matrox Millennium 4 Mb (monitor 3)
Norman Brooks   2001-05-09 10:56
I found that most cards don't work well with other cards from the same manufacturer
ie .. two ATI cards or 2 Matrox cards.
The exception seems to be the nVidia cards with the Riva chips because regardless of who makes the card, you can usually get one of the nVidia drivers to work with it, thereby fooling the cards into thinking they are not using the same chip sets. I had a Creative Labs RivaTNT 16 AGP and a 3D Blaster Banshee PCI and had a miserable time until I got the nVidia drivers working on the TNT AGP card. After that ... no problems.
Florian   2001-05-09 16:25
The hint with the detonator 3 driver was realy usefull. Didn't thought of that before, because I took the newest driver from Hercules. Now 3d acc is working, with Geforce and Matrox card toghether. But just in the moment I activate Ati, all is screwed up.
I think I have to replace the Ati with somewhat.
Since people think that cards of the same manufracturer make only problems, I dont want to try that out.
My point of view is, that matrox cards are excelent for this kind of service, the matrox mystique I have, has made no problems at all. Just plug it in, and it runs.
Does anybody know other cards, that behave this nicely?
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> GForce 2 mx agp & ati 3d rage II pci

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