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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual Monitor Video card for DELL Dimension?
Doc   2005-02-14 06:36
I am looking for advise about replacing a GeForce MX board with one that will support two 17" LCDs (analog or digital) - my concern is that some of the newer cards are power hungry and Dell uses some lower powered PSUs.

Anyone have any experience with the Dell Dimension 4550 and swapping out to dual monitors?

Or an opinion as to a CARD that requires lower power and could be compatible with the DELL?

Many thanks.
Tantalus   2005-02-14 14:14
as long as you avoid the 'gaming' video cards, the power draw on many of the low end dual output agp cards is within range of the generic power supplies packaged with most pre-built systems (esp if it comes with a passive heatsink).

after many builds using matrox g400/450's, i needed a 4x/8x card for p4 systemboard and bought a geforce fx5200 recently but had some difficulty getting my dual LCD's to be properly recoginized. if i had to do it over again, i would have opted for the ati...
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual Monitor Video card for DELL Dimension?

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