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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Multiple monitor window problem
silly   2005-02-14 10:46
I use multiple monitors (with maxivista) and for some reason some windows have been set to open on a certain monitor. i have searched around and found ultramon (very cool program might i add) i still cant seem to figure out how to fix my problem. here it is

my vpn login box pops up on the right side monitor which i dont want to use any more so i need it to pop up on the left side monitor but i cannot get it to. it only wants to popup on the right. i have dragged to the left manually and i have used the ultramon arrow button to move it as well. the problem is the next time i go to go into the vpn it still popsup right when i need it on the left.

see my BIG problem is i also use maxivista which allows me to use a laptop through a network connection as an extra monitor (which i use on the right) but when i need to go onto the corp vpn (cisco) i loose all local networking so i cant use the maxivista program for the extra montitor ( i dont need to at this point anyway so its ok) BUT the freaking cisco dialog box to login to the vpn pops up on the right side where i CANNOT get to it because my local network is now assumed by the vpn and maxivista doesnt work.

THANKS for the help!!!!
Tantalus   2005-02-14 13:56
sound slike the old windows remembering problem.

one way to get around it is you need the 'minimize all to desktop' link in the quick-launch bar. if you don't have it, you can either recreate it (use google) or if you have a Windows keyboard plug that into the back.

then launch your application and when the vpn windows appears, drag it to proper window and then minimize and maximize all the windows several times. after that X-out to close the vpn window. relaunch the should now appear in its old spot.
Tantalus   2005-02-14 13:58
forgot to mention....

the "minimize all" hotkey is

restore is
Tantalus   2005-02-14 13:59
wow...look like the board software stripped the symbols

the "minimize all" hotkey is [windows-key][m]

restore key is [shift][windows-key][m]
silly   2005-02-14 14:07

not sure what this is:

'minimize all to desktop' link in the quick-launch bar

i did try to minimize/maximize withe windows key etc... but it didnt work.

this is crazy!!!
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Multiple monitor window problem

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