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Forums -> VideoSaver -> Help, Error message
JGar   2005-02-14 15:00
I just downloaded the trial version of VideoSaver, and I was trying to put one of the Final Fantasy VII Advent Children trailers, but at the time that it begins to play it, it appears an error message, and freezes the video. The video is in .avi format. I have two monitors and a BFG Nvidia 6800 GT OC, I have 1.00 GB of RAM, Pentium 4 2.53 Ghz, Windows XP Home Edition, SP2. I realy like the program, please help me!
Christian Studer   2005-02-15 02:59
Please post the text from the error message here, or send me a screenshot to

Do you have the same problem when playing the video with Windows Media Player?

Christian Studer -
JGar   2005-02-15 15:11
AppName: videos~1.scr AppVer: ModName: videoplayer.dll
ModVer: Offset: 00005cab

Thats the only information that I can get from the error, becasue it does not allow me to Copy the rest of the info. I can't even take a screen shot. And I never have a problem with Windows Media Player
Christian Studer   2005-02-16 23:06
Thanks for the information.

If possible, please post a download link for the video. I'll try to reproduce the issue on my system.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> VideoSaver -> Help, Error message

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