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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Strange behaviour when switching users under WinXP
Andrew Lighten   2005-02-15 20:18
I'm running an AMD64 with three monitors (AGP GF4/Ti4400, PCI ATI Radeon 9200 and a PCI Matrox Millennium).

The account I normally log in as is a member of the local administrators group. To test some of the software I'm developing at the moment I'm using the WinXP fast-user-switch utility to have another user logged on at the same time -- this one a plain vanilla user with no privileges.

This is where all hell breaks loose: hit Win-L to switch to the other user, and when I come back to my development account, windows are sprayed all over the place. Specifically:

(1) Windows have moved to different monitors than those that they were on when I left the account, but the taskbar entry (I use smart taskbars) are still on the original monitor.

(2) Windows have changed size and shape on the monitor they were on. Borland C++ manages to squish its main editor pane up over the toolbar. Outlook tends to take itself out of maximized mode and ends up sitting over two monitors.

Have I missed something in the configuration of Ultramon that tells it to do the right thing when switching users?

It's not exactly a show stopper, but it's a bit annoying having to drag windows around and put them back where they should be when I'm switching users.

Any info would be greatfully accepted. Thanks.
Seahorse   2005-02-16 03:02
I'm impressed you got ATI working with nVidia. Are your desktop profiles being saved?

Dead-Fish.Com Deep sea Daddies...
Christian Studer   2005-02-17 03:03
This seems to be a Windows issue, I've noticed it occasionally as well, both with and without UltraMon running.

UltraMon currently doesn't have an automatic workaround, but you can use the scripts to manually save window positions before switching, then restoring them afterwards.

Christian Studer -
Andrew Lighten   2005-03-01 09:39
Seahorse: Apart from this window switching user, everything works great. No trouble at all.

Christian: Bit of a pain in the butt having to run some separate scripts before and after. I'll just put up with this. I'm not doing it too regularly anyway...
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Strange behaviour when switching users under WinXP

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