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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Triple Head with MX4000 and Ti4200
AR   2005-02-18 07:43
I am currently running a dual head on Nvidia Ti4200 (AGP) and its working great. Tried adding Nvidia Nvidia MX4000 (PCI), however, when I try to enable this third monitor the system locks up ending in a blue screen pointint to the display drivers of nvidia and will not recover even after reboot until I pull the PCI MX4000 out and then reboot.

I have tried different PCI slots.

What would be the approach
AR   2005-02-18 10:32
hehe, I have to laugh at myself
Forgot to set PCI in BIOS.
That solved it and now the triple head is running smoothly.
I will add my profile here soon.

ECarlson   2005-02-18 14:36
Glad to hear you got the combo working. Other people have had problems getting the 4000 cards to work with another NVidia card. Which NVidia driver did you use?

- Eric,
Aakash   2005-02-18 18:56
I'm having the same issue. I have a 6800GT AGP, and I'm trying to get a MX4000 PCI working in the box for the third monitor.

When i set the primary to be AGP in the bios, the system seems to hang just before the logon screen with some graphics corruption.

When I set the primary to PCI, I frequently blue-screen durin bootup with a MACHINE_CHECK_EXCEPTION (0x9c)

Once or twice when I managed to get the machine up and running, i tried to enable the second monitor in display settings. It bluescreened with STOP(0xEA) - infinite loop in nv4_disp.

Sounds like the MX4000 PCI really hates living with an AGP card in the box. I've noticed other people are running Nvidia and the ATI 9200SE without any problem, so I'm going to try that next. The reason I bought the MX4000 to start with was to avoid any driver hell with having both ATI and Nvidia on the same box, but looks like I dont have much choice.

AR   2005-02-19 03:26
I had the latest from nvidia 66.93

The File version on my nv4_disp.dll is

For XP
start-->run-->devmgmt.msc-->{Enter}-->{Expand "Display Adapters"}-->{Right Click "-->Properties-->Driver--Driver Details-->{Click nv4_disp}

my adjacent PCI slot to the AGP is empty.

When I do the properties the nvidia properly brings up the display adapter of my choice and change it, nice and slick
Aakash   2005-02-21 14:29
I have the same drivers. However, the MX4000 refuses to work even when i set it to primary. Blue screen with MACHINE_CHECK_EXCEPTION :-(

I'm going to get the ATI 9200
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Triple Head with MX4000 and Ti4200

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