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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 Monitors Question, Pleeeese Help, I'm ready to jump off a bridge!!
Mark   2005-02-20 15:04
I'm driving myself nuts so if anyone could help me, it would be very much appreciated.

A short history first.... I used to have a Dell Dimension 4600 and 2 new Dell 1905 19" LCD's, I used a Matrox P650 video card to run the two lcd's and all was perfect :)

Now, I just got a brand new Dell Dimension 8400 and while it was being shipped, I got another Dell 1905 19" LCD AND the Matrox P750 which I figured would be OK to run the 3 monitors

Well, after a couple of days of jumping through windows, pulling our hair, shouting at the dog and throwing dinner plates, I realized none of this was working for one reason............ The new Dell has PCI Express and the two Matrox cards are AGP....... DUH !!

So, I put those two cards away and went and bought a PNY Verto GeForce 6600 GT PCI Express x 16 Video Card and I thought it would run all 3 monitors because it said MULTI MONITORS on the box and all the others seemed to just say DUAL!
Well, wrong again, it means the same thing so here I sit, all is well, I have my new dell 8400 and 2 monitors running and I'm sure there must be a fairly easy answer to this...........

How do I get my 3rd Monitor to run and play nicely with the other 2?
I don't think I want to try reinventing any wheels, does anyone know if there's a way to maybe just add something, what can I do?

Any help would be greatly appreciated (ah, and if anyone wants or needs a matrox p650 and/or a p7650, let me know :)

Thanks again
Boxface   2005-02-20 16:01
What you need to do is go out and get yourself a PCI graphics card. But used to happen is that you would have to initialise the pci card first in the bios when used with an agp card. i dont know how pci-e graphics cards work or how much tinkering the dell bios allows you to do. but you could try and get yourself a little cheapo pci card for hopefully free and put that in and boot her up and see what happens.
Starius   2005-02-21 01:54
Make sure you also go into the Nvidia control panel for your nvidia card and look in the "nView Display Settings." Change the nView display mode to "Dualview." and see if that helps. For some reason, nvidia drivers don't seem to enable dual monitors by default.
Mark   2005-02-21 03:32
I don't mind replacing the current card either, I just want one or two cards that will run 3 monitors together and be able to use all 3 together for flight simulator etc. and be able to have a screen saver that covers all three monitors,

Thanks again
K Deezy   2005-02-21 15:32
Hey mark I'm havin the same problem and I am running a dimension 8400. IF you find out how to do that let me know
jet   2005-02-22 13:55
Matrox is releasing in april 3 new PCI express cards including the parhelia in which I am waiting on. I gave up my old system with a Parhelia triple monitor to build a new system which reqires the Pci express. I only did it knowing matrox was releasing these boards. I will include the link if you are still interested in Matrox cards.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 Monitors Question, Pleeeese Help, I'm ready to jump off a bridge!!

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