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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> dual span with two rotated lcd's, what card to use?
jollyeskimo   2005-02-22 12:04
Ok, so I want to mess around with my dual LCD setup some more to get the most out of it (in this case, more vertical room), so I'm gonna need to get a videocard that will do the following:

- similar performance as my 9600pro (to keep costs down...)
- hopefully AGP (don't want to upgrade motherboard unnecessarily)
- dual output, of course
- as cheap as possible

...and most importantly:

- both displays must both be able to be rotated, and then spanned together. So in the end my two 1280x1024 (originally 2560x1024 spanned) will become 2048x1280 spanned.
ECarlson   2005-02-22 14:01
I don't know about spanned mode, but in extended desktop mode, any NVidia card should work, since the NVidia drivers/software support rotate.

- Eric,
jollyeskimo   2005-02-22 14:40
Well I guess herein lies the question then...can anyone with a Nvidia geforce 5 series card verify that they can (or cannot) span two rotated monitors?

I'm finding that with my current setup there's quite a bit of wasted space, and not enough height most of the time. That's why I want to rotate them 90 degrees and span them that way...
ECarlson   2005-02-23 11:24
Is there a reason you need span mode, instead of extended desktop mode?

- Eric,
Tantalus   2005-02-24 01:34
it's really not central to the topic as to why he needs span mode instead of extended. if he's asking for spanned mode, then that implies that extended mode isn't what he wants.

anyway, back to the question...isn't the 9600pro a dual output card? the new ati catalyst drivers support rotation of the desktop, so the immediate question would be have you tried this yet?route yet?
jollyeskimo   2005-02-24 06:55
Yep, I've definitely tried do that with the catalyst control panel. Basically once you've got the span set up the majority of the monitor controls are locked out (refresh rates over 60hz, rotation). I've tried to rotate the monitors seperately before doing a span as well, but that didn't work either.

So now, I'm thinking of moving to a 5700 since a friend has already tried rotating/spanning on it with no problems.
Tantalus   2005-02-24 07:31
if your friend confirms that nvidia's rotation works, that is an interesting bit of news.

i've installed several different nvidia cards with varying degrees of difficulty in getting the multi-output support to work to my liking.
jollyeskimo   2005-02-24 08:20
He said that it worked when he made the span first and then used nvrotate to rotate it, but I'll have to double check if it simply rotates the entire thing to make a very tall/skinny setup or if it rotates both displays individually.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> dual span with two rotated lcd's, what card to use?

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