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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Laptop + CRT: Primary Monitor Issue + Firefox Bookmarks
Ted Lassiter   2005-02-28 02:08
I'm evaluating Ultramon and I have a few questions. I'm using a Fujitsu laptop with a CRT as a second monitor.

First, can I set my CRT as my primary monitor using this type of setup? When I try to do this using the Windows settings or Ultramon, the CRT loses the video signal and the laptop defaults to the lowest resolution.

Second, if I'm using the CRT as a secondary monitor everything is great except when I access my bookmarks in Firefox, the bookmarks list appears back on the laptop monitor? Is this just an issue with Firefox, or some other tweak with Ultramon.

Other than that, love the smart taskbar and window management.
Ted   2005-02-28 03:46
Followup to my own question...

Firefox seems to work fine now after rebooting. Strange that it was the only app that had menu problems but it seems okay now. Still can't get the CRT to funciton as my primary monitor though...
Christian Studer   2005-02-28 07:13
Does the laptop have an Intel video chipset?

I've seen the same problem on my Dell X300, when setting the external monitor as primary, the laptop display gets switched to 640x480 resolution and remains primary.

This seems to be an issue with the driver for the Intel video chipset. The only way to change the primary monitor is via the Intel configuration utility. Please note that this can cause problems for UltraMon, because the monitor numbers get switched (the primary is always #1).

Christian Studer -
Ted   2005-03-02 01:53
Yes, it's a Fujitsu Lifebook S6231 with Intel 855GME Integrated Graphics. I'll look into the configuration utility, but if it might cause problems I'm not sure I want to muck around with it. Thanks for the reply.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Laptop + CRT: Primary Monitor Issue + Firefox Bookmarks

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