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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Piping RCA output through VCR to TV
Slackmaster K   2005-03-02 02:40
Not entirely on topic, but close enough: Trying to add a TV to my current 4-monitor system. My Radeon 7500 is connected to one monitor already, but I want to connect the RCA output to my TV, which doesn't have RCA inputs. Therefore, I'm trying to run it through a VCR and run coax to the TV. Does anyone know how to switch TV/VCR mode on a Sony SLV-N88 without the remote? It was stolen by a midget halfling thief with green and yellow swirling hair. I need to find a solution to the VCR; and God help the midget if I find him.
guest   2005-03-25 17:19
If you've tried all the buttons on the VCR then you are stuffed without a remote.

you could try a universal remote, ask in the shop if it will work, and if it dosen't take it back. Some need programming from a remote, so watch out.
Slackmaster K   2005-03-26 04:37
Woah, old thread. I ended up using one of the other VCRs I had been too lazy to bring from the other house. Works beautifully now, except for some EMI problems with the monitor it's directly above... Fixed with a few sheets of aluminum foil.

Slackmaster K
President, IDXT Computing
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Piping RCA output through VCR to TV

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