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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Ultramon Question
Jesper   2005-03-04 01:48
Hi there,

I have an Radeon 9600XT Bravo 128MB card in my PC. It works perfect with two displays, but I was wondering if it was possible to get 3 displays, without putting an extra PCI card in my computer, because there is no space left for it:P

I have a VGA cable which goes from one to two.

Jesper   2005-03-04 01:50
I forgot this last question:

is it possible to play games on 2 displays instead of one.??
Tantalus   2005-03-04 10:40
that card does not support >2 displays

not a gamer...most games are not written for multi-display and don't make good use of it w/the exception of flight-simulator.
Jesper   2005-03-05 22:20
Then I have to install Microsoft Flight Stimulator 2000 again:P

Thankyou very much. Are there cards which support more than 2 displays??
Tantalus   2005-03-06 01:24
the matrox parhelia does triple-display in the spanned mode you want.

ati & nvidia make plenty of dual-disploy cards, but i don't casually know opf any that does triple using a good graphic game engine. if anybody knows different, chime in.

you should probably go their websites and look around. if there is such an animal, it would be posted there.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Ultramon Question

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