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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Help to set up multiple monitors
AJ   2005-03-04 11:31
I have a NVidia GEForce FX5200 card and would like to set up a second monitor. Can someone help me and tell where to even start. I looked at the back of the CPU and there doesn't seem to be another slot for a second monitor plug.
Don't know where to start.

Tantalus   2005-03-04 14:06
too bad you bought the single output version...there are dual-output versions of the fx5200.

you have two options:

1) buy a dual-head agp card and swap out your current fx5200 (this is the only option if you want to run a spanned desktop across both displays)

2) add a pci video card to the machine.

if you don't have a spare pci card lying about, i would recommend #1 unless you're really strapped for cash.
AJ   2005-03-04 22:33
Thanks for the response. What is a good dual slot video card in the $100-200 range. Are there any? Also, after I put the new card in, do I just setup the monitors through the display section of the control panel in windows xp?
Tantalus   2005-03-04 23:50
what card to buy? depends on what you need it to do. do you play games at all? then i would suggest an ati radeon 9600 or whatever the nvidia equivalent is (it's not the fx5200).

i don't game at all, so for my most recent build, i bought a dual-head fx5200 agp, it's cheap and it supposedly will play games at a barely acceptable level:
Tantalus   2005-03-04 23:51
ooops typo...

>>then i would suggest an ati radeon 9800
AJ   2005-03-05 07:13
I am going to use it for flight simulator. I noticed that I do have a DVI slot on the card. Can I get an A/V adapter? Do you think I will have any kind of problem with graphics or overall look?

AJ   2005-03-05 07:38
Also, how can I use my notebook to set up as an additional monitor?
Tantalus   2005-03-05 08:01
>>Can I get an A/V adapter? Do you think I will have any kind of problem with graphics or overall look?

shouldn't have any problems...mine's works just fine.

for the laptop, you'll need a piece of software like maxivista.
AJ   2005-03-05 09:11
Tantalus, Thanks for all the help. Appreciate it!
Sam   2005-03-18 06:22
If the only game your going to play is Flight Sim, then just get an ATI Radeon 8500 64MB. It will run dual monitors (DVI/VGA/S-video connections.)
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Help to set up multiple monitors

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