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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 6326 problems
CharlesMay   2005-03-05 09:15

I have the following configuration:
Win XP Pro
Celeron 400
S3 trio 3d/2x AGP (needs to be primary)
SIS 6326 (as secondary)

I managed to make them work simultaneously by using the latest drivers for w2K available from the SIS support page. I have also installed the latest drivers for the trio 3d/2x available from the S3 support. I've also installed the 6326 on the second PCI slot so that don't be too close to the AGP card.
The problem is that, sometimes (too often), windows freezes at startup on the logo screen. One workaround is starting XP on safe mode and then rebooting in normal.
Anyone have any ideas to stop making this happen? If i use the XP drivers for the 6326 it never freezes but it stops me from having dual monitors as the 6326 "cannot be initialized".
Help, please...
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 6326 problems

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