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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Need help w/ 6600gt agp and 5200 pci
Jarrod   2005-03-07 05:48
I have a brand new xfx6600gt apg card and an old gainward 5200 pci card. I bought 3 samsung 17" lcds and would like to run them all on DVI. I have installed the 71.84 drivers, but the cards just won't work together (after loading the windows screen the system crashes). My next thought is to wipe out the hard drive and reinstall windows. But I prefer not to, especially if it doesn't work.
Any Help?

Asus p4c800-e
3.0c P4
khariv   2005-03-08 15:59
hate to state the obvious - but have you tried the official released drivers (66.93)? I also assume you've read the rest of the posts on this board on setting the PCI card to be primary in BIOS, etc.

I have a similar setup (6800GT and 5200 PCI) and it works like a champ.

Jarrod   2005-03-12 13:19
thanks khariv

I tried setting the pci as the primary, however windows freezes upon loading when I do that, except if I go into safe mode and disable my 6600 agp.
It seems like the best I can get is to set the agp as primary, go into safe mode, unistall the drivers, reboot, then reinstall the drivers in safe mode. After that I can boot into windows, but as soon as I try to enable any other the monitors on the 5200pci it restarts and won't boot into windows until i go into safe mode and disable the pci card.
I don't know if I am doing things in the wrong order or what. I am completely new to dual video card setups.
Also, I thought this was strange, but not sure: when I set the pci as primary, the two monitors on the agp act as if remain completely blank. not sure if this is normal or not.
Thanks for your help.

Asus p4c800-e
3.0c P4
Tantalus   2005-03-12 15:20
try the following:

1) uninstall all the nvidia drivers/software(nview)
2) under device manager, right-click the agp card, and select uninstall.
3) repeat #2 for the pci card as well.
4) reboot and set pci as primary video
5) when windows loads, install the pci card drivers
6) once that is working, shutdown and insert the agp card. do not change any bios settings
7) power up and see if windows detects the agp card, point it to the necessary drivers.

let us know what occurs during your troubleshooting.
Tantalus   2005-03-12 15:22
correction...#4 should read:

4) reboot, enter BIOS and set pci as primary video).
DJRobB   2005-03-23 10:50

Thanks for the info.

I had the same problem and your info fixed it.



PC based DJ/VJ
DJRobB   2005-03-23 11:04
BTW ... I'm running a 6600 agp and 5200 pci

PC based DJ/VJ
Tantalus   2005-03-24 00:31
glad you're up & running, DJ
MAD   2005-03-24 08:03
Unless your running an Sli motherboard (which your not if you have an agp graphics card, i think) you cant have more than 1 graphics card in a system. They simply dont know how to talk to each other.
ECarlson   2005-03-24 08:12
MAD: Was that a joke? Lots of people here are running more than 1 video card in a system.

- Eric,
AlbertLing   2005-03-24 14:35
I'm having the exact same problem!

I'm trying to setup 3 CRT monitors on a PCI Geforce 5200 128MB card and an AGP Geforce 6600GT card.

PC was rebooting when windows detected both cards. I did what you guys told me (uninstall drivers, set primary card to PCI and installed it). But when I tried to install the AGP video card, it failed (at least it didnt reboot this time).

Error message on windows xp device manager:

"Device type: Display adapters
Location: PCI bus 1, device 0, function 0
This device cannot find enough free resources that it can use. (Code 12)

If you want to use this device, you will need to disable one of the other devices on this system.

Click Troubleshoot to start the troubleshooter for this device."
AlbertLing   2005-03-24 14:41
Strange that the device manager said my AGP card is on "Location: PCI 1"..... wasn't it supposed to say AGP?

and it says my PCI card is on:
"Location: PCI Slot 1 (PCI bus 2, device 7, function 0)"

could this have any relation to my problem? what should i do help please!
Tantalus   2005-03-24 23:58
>>and it says my PCI card is on:
"Location: PCI Slot 1 (PCI bus 2, device 7, function 0)"

do you have your pci card plugged into the slot directly next to your agp card? windows is detecting a device need to move it to a different slot.
AlbertLing   2005-03-25 03:54
I only have 1 PCI slot (My motherboard is a mini-AXT from the Shuttle XPC)...

I'll try it from a different computer to test if it works.

What else can this be?
Is there a way to end the conflict by tweaking somewhere?
AlbertLing   2005-03-25 04:20
Just tried on another computer and it didn't work! This time the monitor just went black when windows detected the 2nd monitor.

I'm going crazy here.. what should I do?
DJRobB   2005-03-27 01:13
FYI ...

I've always heard that you should never put a pci Video card in the slot next to the AGP card.

PC based DJ/VJ
DJRobB   2005-03-27 01:15
Cover the basics...

Also make sure your cards are pushed all the way in.

and ..

Make sure that your AGP card has the power plug (if needed)pluged in. (oops .. I missed that one the first time) :)

PC based DJ/VJ
AlbertLing   2005-03-27 15:01
Need more suggestions please
Seahorse   2005-03-27 19:44
Download current 'official' nVidia drivers - 71.84 as of today.

Uninstall all graphics drivers, in control panel.


In BIOS set AGP primary (WinXP/XP64) or PCI if 98/ME/.


Cancel any 'New hardware detected dialogues.

Instal Forceware 71.84s - ONCE - it runs both cards.

Follow steps in nView Wizard.

If the nView wizard fails to run and you are looking at one monitor:

Right click desktop, properties, settings, advanced, GForce tab, nView settings on pop out menu, select Dual view (for monitors hanging off primary card - I'm guessing 2).

Close this.

Back to Settings click on each monitor individually and set up resolution and refresh rates as appropriate. Tick 'Extend my desktop onto this monitor' box if blank on monitors 2 and 3.

Dead-Fish.Com Deep Sea Daddies...
Jarrod   2005-03-30 01:07
Sorry for the belated reply.
I tried uninstalling, setting the pci as primary, reistalling, but they still won't work. Windows stalled upon detecting the agp. I started up in start mode, and it installed the agp, but it still won't work booting normally.
Seahorse, I will try your way next. Hope it works. Thanks for the help everyone!
P.S. - DJ, what type of cards are you using exactly (brand, model)?

Asus p4c800-e
3.0c P4
Tantalus   2005-03-30 01:15
>>I tried uninstalling, setting the pci as primary, reistalling, but they still won't work. Windows stalled upon detecting the agp. I started up in start mode, and it installed the agp, but it still won't work booting normally.

let's backtrack a moment here...are you able to get the agp card to work by *itself*??

your previous posts seem to indicate that you could not get the second monitor to display when just the agp card was installed.
ReinK   2005-03-30 08:20
Hi All,

Have a look at my post in the "nVidia GF 6800 AGP + which pci card = three monitors ?" topic...

I've got a AOpen 6800GT agp + AOpen FX5200 pci with three monitors. It took me a while to figure it out how it would work for me...

This is the only way I can make it work (for me). And believe me, I have tried everything I read in every forum / FAQ / site I have visited....

I have tried virtually every nvidia driver available and found out that both cards work together, only with the 61.76 version driver.
The drivers that are older don't support the 6800 card and the drivers that are newer can't make the two cards cooperate at the same time.

In Linux (2.6) with the same is true for the 6111 version of the (closed source) driver.

In the 64-bit preview of Windows XP I had to use an older driver as well to make it happen.

So finally it worked but I can't update my drivers. Of course, since these drivers work fine, there is no need to update. It appears again to be true what they say: "If it ain't broken, don't fix it"

Good luck everybody,
Jarrod   2005-03-31 14:55
Thanks everyone.
Yeah, the 6600gt and 5200 work great on their own. And each of them work run two monitors on their own perfectly, I just can't get them to work at the same time.
ReinK, I'll try you're suggestion as soon as I get a chance.

Asus p4c800-e
3.0c P4
DJRobB   2005-04-05 07:28
Asus p4c800-e
3.0c P4

That's what i'm running too.

PC based DJ/VJ
mfabache   2005-04-08 05:10
Much research and trial/error led me to this board.

I think I am close to getting 3 monitors working. I had (2) 5200 boards working, no problem. Upgraded my AGP to 6200, all hell broke loose.

I've followed the techniques listed here, but I have strange results:

1.) cpu/mem/5200 pci card, 1+ monitors come up with my cmos setting to AGP (not PCI)

2.) same config, set cmos to start PCI slot, all monitors blank through POST and BOOTUP - I can hear windows boot up.

(reset cmos/jumper)

(same result as #1.)

What am I missing here?

(winXP pro, giga-byte kns8-939 ultra mobo, 6200 AGP, 5200 PCI)

poo   2005-04-08 20:58
try nvidia 61.77 drivers, if they work you have the same issue as me, it is something in the drivers
mfabache   2005-04-09 05:08
Well - I did what you recommended and here is what I observed (installing drivers 61.77)

1. Unistalled current drivers (init device is currently set to PCI).
2. during reboot, all POST and windows monitors are blank, however XP reboots
3. reset CMOS (default init device is AGP)
4. reboot, XP asks to install display drivers for both video cards, I canceled all dialogs.
5. uninistalled AGP/6200 (Other device) controller
6. installed drivers 61.77 for 5200
7. rebooted
8. XP shows both 5200 screens working, yet prompts for the driver for the 6200
9. Cancel dialog and manual install the 61.77 driver for the 6200. XP reports, 'Cannot install driver for this hardward). I guess 61.77 is too old for the 6200.
10. current state, 5200 working, 6200 not being recognized.

I think by Monday, I will downgrade back to all 5200s and return my 6200 - its too much of a hassle.


P.S. In going thru the Windows help and talking w/ my manufacturers video card technician, BOTH say to set AGP to primary and the PCI card must be in the 1st PCI slot. I have observed this NOT to be true, but so many people say so many things, one must try them all.
Seahorse   2005-04-09 20:52
Untinstall all drivers. shut down. Remove pci card. Remove extra monitors. Reboot. Cancel all driver install requests - it should boot as a vanilla VGA card.
Once you are in windows and everything is working install current Forceware driver and reboot. Confirm all is working and the resolution/refresh rates are set to 1024x768 at 60 Hz (I have a monitor that runs at 60 & 75 Hz only - the other two do everying thing above and below these figures. These settings should run with eveything and will allow you to remove another issue from the equation.

Shut down. Slap in PCI car, reconnect extra monitors. Follow steps in nView Wizard which 'should' launch when you get to windows.

If the nView wizard fails to run and you are looking at one working monitor:

Right click desktop, properties, settings, advanced, GForce tab, nView settings on pop out menu, select Dual view (for monitors hanging off primary card).

Close this.

Back to Settings click on each monitor individually and set up resolution and refresh rates as appropriate (bearing in mind older kit worn't run at high rates - try the settign suggested aboive, then step them up gradually to see what they support). Tick 'Extend my desktop onto this monitor' box if blank on monitors 2 and 3.

Dead-Fish.Com Deep Sea Daddies...
mfabache   2005-04-10 03:46
Thanks Seahorse - I got a little farther, but no complete success.

I did what you said, and here is what I observed:

- the big help/change was setting the monitors to a low freq, 3 monitors did show up in display settings
- after loading 1 card at a time and rebooting, setting the correct resolution, freq I ran into the following issue:

- ticking 'Extend monitor to destop' on the 3rd monitor (the 5200), caused the desktop to freeze for a moment. The 3rd monitor would blink, showing frequency/no range messages, then the PC would reboot.
- Subsequent starting of WinXP would also reboot before getting to the desktop
- I had to enter safe mode and uninstall the drivers and reinstall, just using my 6200 and not extending my 5200.

So, back to square one.

Would it really matter if I had BOTH the same manufacture for the cards? I have a Chaintech 6200 AGP and a PNY 5200. My local BestBuy has a retail verstion of the PNY 6600GT that I could try.

Other than blowing more $$$, I'm spent! However, I do appreciate your help so far.

Seahorse   2005-04-10 04:06
Manufacturer makes no odds.

Is PCI card set to secondary or primary in BIOS. Try swapping to whichever it ISN'T at the moment. I run it as secondary, but most people seem to need it as Primary...

Dead-Fish.Com Deep Sea Daddies...
mfabache   2005-04-10 04:54
Well, I did what you recommended and got still farther, yet no success.

I had PRIMARY INIT DEVICE as AGP. I switched to PCI.

I was able to enable the 3rd monitor (finally!) with no hangups. However, the monitor:

1- will NOT light up (still blank) (monitor set correctly (not TV))
2- Nvidia setting will only allow me to go as high as 8 bit 1024x768/60 or 16bit 848x640. Doesn't matter as the monitor will not light up anyways. Tried to manually add more settings, no success
3- during bootup no monitor lite (during POST)

My finally steps are this:
Grab a FX5700 AGP from best buy (maybe FX's work together better????) if that doesn't work, return it, downgrade to 5200 AGP. Overclock the snot out of it (fan is broke), when it dies, upgrade mobo to SLI board and go dual PCI-Express boards

What a lovely weekend! ;)

And yet, all this was working fine w/ dual 5200 cards.

mfabache   2005-04-11 10:19
Well- just to followup. After days, attempts, curing Nvidia, I could not get the 6200 to work in unison w/ the 5200. I've tried several methods. Maybe, its my mobo? or monitors?

I've packaged up the 6200s (test cards I was using) to Fedex tomorrow. I went back to the dual 5200s and driver version: 61.77.

I'm back where I was last week, slightly dumber.

Thanks to all who assisted me, your help is/was appreciated!

SizzlersaM   2005-04-12 16:44
i've heard alot of people have had trouble making a nvidia pci graphics card work with the 6000 series, so i decided to go with a pci card from ati. i got the 7000 pci and it works great with up to 4 monitors.
mfabache   2005-04-18 08:11

What is your rig configuration?

mobo, chipset, video cards (brand, model, interface (pci, agp, pci-e)?

I may duplicate it...

Jarrod   2005-07-27 14:24
Sorry for the belated reply, but I found a solution to the 6600gt agp / 5200 pci problem:
Ditch the 5200 and get a radeon 7000!
I bought a sapphire 7000 pci from for $35, plugged it in, XP installed drivers, I extended the desktop with no fusses what so ever (so far)! The extra money is well worth the lessened stressfulness! If I find any fussiness, I'll post back; if not--it's all good.
Thanks everyone for your help.
Deam   2005-07-31 07:23
I don't know what the issue was.

I have an xfx 6600gt (Pci-e) and a eVGA 5200 PCI and it works fine.

I had to set the bios to boot to PCI first, and I have to install the cards one at a time, but once that was done, there have been no issues.

The only time I do is when a specific program, Dscaler, crashes out it reverts the card to a non-funcitonal form requiring a re-install of the drivers. I find disabling and then enabling the card in device manager also helps.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Need help w/ 6600gt agp and 5200 pci

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