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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Extended desktop with VGA splitters?
Kevin   2005-03-09 11:20
Does anyone know if this would work?

Kevin E
Slackmaster K   2005-03-10 00:54
Now by "VGA Splitters" do you mean:
1. Physically splicing one video cable into two
2. Connecting a box to your video card, and the monitors into the box
3. Using a VGA Multiplexer

If 1, then no. You will see the same image on both monitors, the picture will probably dark on both, and APM support probably won't work. I tried this on a couple old EGAs a few years ago

If 2, then possibly. If you find such a box, please figure out what it's called and tell us where to find it, I've been looking for one. Theoretically, it would report to the computer that the monitor is twice as wide, as long as the video card supports span mode.

If 3, then no. VGA Multiplexers show the same image on both monitors and supply additional power for stronger signal to prevent darkness and signal degradation.

Else, do tell.
guest   2005-03-25 17:16
The second option would end up being a dumb videocard, probly with a high price

Just add in some old pci card.
keith   2005-03-25 19:22
I think it must be obvious that what ever type of splitter you are talking about you are going to get the exact signal onto both monitors.

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Extended desktop with VGA splitters?

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