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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Sharpness Problem
KaaN   2005-03-09 22:19

I pluged a second monitor to my notebook, which has 1280x800 resolution. The monitor has the resolution 1280x1024. While the resolutions are not the same and UltraMon makes proportional calculation, the image on the second monitor is not sharp. Does anybody have a solution for this problem? When I run only one of those monitors, then it works perfect.

The notebook has a 16x9 screen and has the graphic card NVidia GeForce4 4200.
Tantalus   2005-03-10 06:20
you should probably repost this in the ultramon section since the issue involves ultramon resizing at a lower resolution (a setting i've never used).

what type of display is the second monitor? if it is an LCD, you will have hardware interpolation anytime you run a non-optimal resolution and thus should expect to see some jaggedness.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Sharpness Problem

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