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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Secondary monitor blooms ( gets real bright ) when I start to fix?
Dirk Pitt   2005-03-11 12:31
I recently set up a dual monitor setup with a 19" LCD as my primary and a 21" Dell CRT as my secondary monitor. LCD in middle and Dell CRT on right. I have an ATI X800XT video card and both monitors work just fine as a dual monitor setup. Problem, when I start Call of Duty multiplayer, the secondary monitor (DELL on right) turns real bright like turning the brightness control all the way up. In order to play the game, I have to turn it off. Does anyone know what causes this and how to fix it so it will keep the origional brightness. I tried another LCD for secondary monitor on right and it does the same thing. It seems to only do this when I start a game. Thanks to anyone who replies.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Secondary monitor blooms ( gets real bright ) when I start to fix?

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