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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Help: Secondary Monitor Stopped Working
Brian   2005-03-13 01:40
I have a PC with two monitors, a Dell digital flat panel as the primary and a Sceptre analog CRT as the secondary. I'm using a Radeon 9700 (ATI) as my video card, with digital and analog outputs. It's running Windows XP Pro (SP2) with UltraMon to support the extended desktop, etc.

All has been working fine for more than a year. But the other day, the secondary monitor stopped working. It still shows its status screen during power-on, and the front panel LED lights up fine, but whe Windows starts there's nothing on the display.

I have no idea what happened. I tried rebooting, safe mode, reinstalling the drivers and UltraMon, but nothing works.

Anyone have any ideas what else to try?

I'm also wondering if some kinda "malware" might have messed things up; this happened around the same time I got clobbered by some massive spyware/malware attack from some sorry-ass so-called "serialz" site. My Ad-Aware and Microsoft AntiSpyware seems to have cleaned out all the nasties, but the monitor is still not working.

Any help would be mucho appreciated!
Seahorse   2005-03-13 02:33
Check the obvious like loose cables first.

Have you updated drivers recently?

nVidia or Radeon based?

System Restore?

Dead-Fish.Com Deep Sea Daddies...
ECarlson   2005-03-13 03:19
Have you enabled the "Extend desktop to this monitor" in Windows Display Properties?

You might also want to uninstall the drivers, and reboot twice, then reinstall the drivers and reboot twice.

Also, give SpyBotSD a try. It's also free.

- Eric,
Tantalus   2005-03-13 08:51
try swapping the output from the video, connect the #1 display (crt) to the #2 output and #2 (LCD) to output #1

your #2 output signal might be beyond the specs of the LCD. swaping will also help determine if there's anything wrong with the displays or cable.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Help: Secondary Monitor Stopped Working

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