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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> dual monitor setup
Dandelion   2005-03-13 17:42
I have ATI 9000 on a Toshiba laptop with XPHE and connected a Compaq flat panel as a secondary monitor. All seems to work well, set display to tile in order to have the wallpaper stretch across both screens (don't have Ultramon). My only problem is the wallpaper is backwards. #1, my laptop has the wallpaper on the left side, and #2 my monitor has the wallpaper on the right side. My cursor goes to #2 fine , I have tried umpteen adjustments and keep on getting the same thing. Moving the monitor is awkard because the cursor still goes in the other direction! I feel like there is something I'm missing, but can't figure out what, any help would really be appreciated!!!
Tantalus   2005-03-14 00:19
the way windows displays the wallpaper is based on the position of the primary display...the primary monitor takes on the 0,0 coordinates and tiles across from there, from left to right.

if your display orientation is A--B (where A is the designated primary and is the leftmost display) your tiled wallpaper will appear normal. however, if your displays are set up B--A (again A is the primary but is to the right of the secondary), then your wallpaper will be reversed.

if this is the case for you (B--A), you will need to designate the "B" display as primary. the alternative would be to edit the image so that each half is 'switched' to the other side.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> dual monitor setup

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